Your Will is one of your most important legal documents.


We can prepare a Will that is practical, able to be understood and carries out your specific wishes.

If you are unable to come to our office we can visit you at your home or business to discuss your requirements and then ensure that your will is legally and validly signed and witnessed.


Each of our senior partners has more than 20 years experience advising executors of deceased estates.

We can provide valuable advice and guidance to help you deal with complex issues quickly and with a minimum of personal worry.

As soon as possible after receiving instructions to act for the executor of a deceased estate, we provide a detailed estimate of our costs and expenses and outline the steps to be taken to finalise administration of the estate.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website is general in nature, providing the information about our firm. It does not constitute legal advice.Kennedy & Cooke provide no warranties concerning accuracy, completeness or the up to date nature of the information provided. Kennedy & Cooke recommend you obtain your own independent advice from a lawyer of your choice. We cannot accept the responsibility for any action you take or do not take arising from or as a result of visiting our website and reading its contents. If you submit an inquiry, please do not presume that we accept any proposed retainer or other obligation until we formally acknowledge and accept your instructions to act as your lawyer.